The Power of Change journeys

how to personalise change for every individual 

Change is an inevitable part of every organisation, and navigated successfully, it can be used as an opportunity to propel business forward. However, everyone's experience and needs are different, so how can leaders ensure people get the individual support they need to make the transition? The answer lies in tailored change journeys that empower and encourage people to take ownership of the changes needed for their organisation to thrive. In this blog post, we'll look at how change leaders can create personalised change journeys for every individual in their organisation. 

Understand which change is needed 

Before creating personalised change journeys, it is important to gain a clear understanding of the type of change that is needed, and the impacts it will have on your organisation, its processes, roles and ways of working. The first step is to analyse the actual changes that need to be implemented and the stakeholders who will be affected. Once this analysis is complete, it will allow for more targeted and tailored change journeys for each stakeholder group. By taking the time to understand the different needs of each stakeholder group, it is possible to create meaningful and effective change journeys that will ensure successful implementation of the changes.

Define the change milestones 

When it comes to achieving change goals, it's important to define the milestones that lead to those goals. Each change journey is unique, but there are some common milestones that apply to most situations. First, it's important for stakeholders in their change journey to understand that change is needed. Second, it's important to realise that changes apply to them personally and how it will affect them.  In the third milestone people will be learning and experimenting with the changes. This means trying out new approaches to see what works best for them and their team. The final milestone is that people show behaviour that proves that changes are being embedded into day to day practices. By setting these milestones, you can break down the change goals into smaller, achievable steps and ensure that meaningful change happens.

Define the change interventions

Once the milestones are established, we are able to identify the change interventions and activities needed to support each individual to meet those change milestones and goals. These interventions and activities could include information sessions, training, workshops, business gaming, one-on-one conversations, and more. It is crucial to consider the timing and sequence of these activities so that each individual can progress through the change journey in an effective and timely manner. 

Co-create the detailed plan

Engaging impacted stakeholders in the co-creation of the detailed plans is an important part of the successful execution of each change journey. Stakeholders understand their situations best, so they can provide invaluable insight into the changes that need to be made and how those changes should be implemented. This allows solutions to be tailored to the specific needs of each stakeholder, enabling them to own and embrace the changes. By involving stakeholders in the planning process, they can provide valuable feedback that can help to identify potential roadblocks and ensure that the plans are feasible. Furthermore, by giving stakeholders ownership of the process, they are more likely to have a positive attitude towards the changes and be more invested in the outcome. 

Execute, Monitor and Adapt

Once these plans are in place, the next step is to ensure their successful execution. This involves monitoring the effects of the change interventions and the degree to which the specified change milestones are met. Always having a detailed view of the change status per stakeholder group gives change leaders the agility to adapt change plans exactly where needed. For those interested to read more about that topic, I recommend reading the blog “Monitoring change: One question at a time”

Finally, be sure to support each individual as they progress through their change journey, providing them with the inspiration, guidance, encouragement and resources they need to ensure successful implementation of the changes. 

Key perspectives